A Čech closure function on $\omega$ is a function $\varphi:\mathcal P(\omega)\to\mathcal P(\omega)$ such that (i) $X\subseteq\varphi(X)$ for all $X\subseteq\omega$, (ii) $\varphi(\emptyset)=\emptyset$, and (iii) $\varphi(X\cup Y)=\varphi(X)\cup\varphi(Y)$ for all $X,Y\subseteq\omega$; in other words, it obeys the Kuratowski closure axioms except possibly the idempotent law $\varphi(\varphi(X))=\varphi(X)$.
In 1947 E. Čech asked if there exists such a closure function (on any set, not necessarily $\omega$) which is also surjective and nontrivial (not the identity map). Čech's question has been answered in the affirmative under various set-theoretic assumptions, including ZFC. The ZFC example is rather complicated and makes heavy use of the axiom of choice; it seems unlikely that one could construct such a thing without choice.
Question. Is it consistent with ZF that there is no nontrivial surjective Čech closure function $\varphi:\mathcal P(\omega)\to\mathcal P(\omega)$?
That is, there is no function $\varphi:\mathcal P(\omega)\to\mathcal P(\omega)$ satisfying the conditions (i)-(iii) above and also (iv) for every $Y\subseteq\omega$ there exists $X\subseteq\omega$ such that $\varphi(X)=Y$, and (v) $\varphi(X)\ne X$ for some $X\subseteq\omega$. (Condition (ii) is now redundant, as it follows from (i) and (iv) that $\varphi(X)=X$ if $X$ is finite.)