I just picked up the paper "The classification of quotient singularities which are complete intersections" by Haruhisa Nakajima and Kei-Ichi Watanabe, which is in the book
- Greco, Silvio, and Rosario Strano, eds. Complete intersections: lectures given at the 1st 1983 session of the Centro Internationale Matematico Estivo (CIME) held at Acireale (Catania), Italy, June 13-21, 1983. Vol. 1092. Springer, 2006.
Nakajima and Watanabe's paper is pp. 102-120. On p. 103, the authors make an assertion (without comment) that I find surprising or at least very non-obvious. (Here, $V$ is a complex finite-dimensional vector space, $G$ is a finite subgroup of $\mathrm{GL}(V)$, and $S$ is the symmetric algebra on $V$, i.e., a ring of polynomials whose degree 1 component is $V$.)
Theorem C: If $G$ does not contain pseudo-reflections, $S^G$ is a Gorenstein ring if and only if $G\subset \mathrm{SL}(V)$.
The condition "$G$ does not contain pseudo-reflections" is not so serious. If $G$ does contain pseudo-reflections, let $H$ be the subgroup of $G$ generated by all the pseudo-reflections of $G$. Then $S^H$ is a polynomial ring by Theorem A, and the action of $G/H$ is linear and does not contain pseudo-reflections. So we can apply Theorem C to this action.
Emphasis added. Theorem A here is the Chevalley-Shepard-Todd theorem. The assertion seems to be that there is a set $f_1,\dots,f_n$ of polynomial generators for $S^H$ (i.e., a set of algebraically independent generators) such that the action of the group $G/H$ on the ring $S^H$ is induced from a linear action of $G/H$ on the vector space $W=\langle f_1,\dots,f_n\rangle_{\mathbb{C}}$, so that $S^H$ can be seen as the symmetric algebra on $W$.
This is not at all clear to me. The degrees of the generators $f_1,\dots,f_n$ are determined by $H$, and it's possible that they're all distinct (e.g. if $H$ is the reflection group $A_n$). Meanwhile, the action of $G/H$ on $S^H$ is certainly graded. In this case, for the action of $G/H$ on $f_1,\dots,f_n$ to be linear in the above sense, it is necessarily diagonal. This seems like a lot to know for sure.
Question: Why do Nakajima and Watanabe feel sure that the action of $G/H$ on $S^H$ is linear?
Remark: Four years ago I asked a related question which is still unanswered as of today, but Nakajima and Watanabe's situation is more specific than the setting of this previous question. In particular, for them, the graded subring is always the invariant ring of a reflection group. (Also, the ground field is $\mathbb{C}$ as opposed to a general field of characteristic 0.)