Let $G$ be a finite 3-group of maximal class. The center $Z(G)$ contains two elements other than the identity. Does there exist an endomorphism of $G$ that maps one of them to the other?
This is true for the six 3-groups of maximal class of order at most 81. It is also true for the group with GAP ID [729, 46] (though it is not true in this case that there is an automorphism mapping one element to the other as pointed out by LeechLattice) as the following Sagemath code affirms:
g = gap.SmallGroup(729,46);
checker1 = False;
list1 = gap.AsList(gap.Centre(g));
a = list1[1];
b = list1[2];
list2 = gap.AsList(gap.AllEndomorphisms(g));
for m in list2:
if not gap.IsInjective(m):
if gap.Image(m, a) == b or gap.Image(m, b) == a:
checker1 = True;