In this post we consider the Ramanujan tau function $\tau(n)$, see the Wikipedia Ramanujan tau function, and we consider partial sums of its corresponding Dirichlet series (see for example the article Tau Dirichlet Series from the encyclopedia Wolfram MathWorld)
$$\varphi_N(s):=\sum_{n=1}^N\frac{\tau(n)}{n^s},\tag{1}$$ where thus $N>1$ is a positive integer, and $s=x+iy$ denotes the complex variable.
Question 1. How do you determine and calculate an approximation of a zero of $$\varphi_3(s)=\sum_{n=1}^3\frac{\tau(n)}{n^s}?$$ Many thanks.
I'm inspired in section 4 from [1], thus I know that at least one can to deduce these equations $$0=1-24\cdot 2^{-x}\cos(y \log 2)+252\cdot 3^{-x}\cos(y\log 3)$$ and
$$0=-24\cdot 2^{-x}\sin(y \log 2)+252\cdot 3^{-x}\sin(y\log 3),$$
but I don't know how get an approximation for one of those zeros $s=x+iy$ or if this is a good way.
Question 2. Inspired in section 3 I would like to know if it is possible to state or conjecture a region for which the partial sum of the Ramanujan's zeta function $\varphi_N(s)$, for $N$ large enough, doesn't vanish (see the quoted statement due to Montgomery in page 23). Many thanks.
If some of previous questions are in the literature feel free to refer it, and I try to search and read the answers to my questions from the literature. I hope that both questions have mathematical sense.
[1] Peter Borwein, Greg Fee, Ron Ferguson and Alexa van der Waall, Zeros of Partial Sums of the Riemann Zeta Function, Experimental Mathematics, Vol. 16 (2007), No. 1, A K Peters, Ltd.