According to wikipedia integer circuit in its simplest form is succinct representation of multivariate polynomial with integer coefficients. Decidability if an integer is represented by the integer circuit is an open problem.
Working only with integer circuits with gates $\times,+,-$ we got an argument that it is undecidable to check if integer is represented by the circuit.
Take undecidable diophantine equation $f(x_i)=0$. (If you want to work with non-negative solution, replace each $x_i$ with the sum of squares of four new variables).
Let $C_f$ be the integer circuit which computes $f$.
$C_f$ represents $0$ if $f(x_i)=0$ has a solution and by construction this is undecidable.
Does this prove integer circuit membership is undecidable?
(We don't use gates about set union, intersection and complement).