The poor quality of Google translate seems to be entirely due to the poor quality of the OCR in the linked pdf file. I cleaned up the OCR and then the first two pages are translated as follows by Google, without any post-editing of the text (I only removed the display equations and added $ signs for the inline formulas). I would think the translation is clear, with the exception of the technical term "neck method", which we would read as "saddle point method".
I want to give some applications of a very fertile approximation
method, called the neck method; it makes it possible to obtain
approximate formulas for integrals relating to trigonometric or
exponential functions; such integrals occur in the wave theories and
in all the problems that are treated by means of the Fourier
integrals. I will study the following types:
These various integrals occur in the theory of diffraction of light.
The integral of Airy gives the fringes near a caustic: $A (\nu)$
corresponds to the case of a practically unlimited opening; $A (\nu, r,
s)$ in the case of a rectangular diaphragm ($^1$). Consider a wave
produced by an optical system affected by aberrations. We assume a
rectangular diaphragm; we can then, decomposing the wave into
spindles, replace the wave by its equator $EE'$.
Let $C$ be a point of the caustic $CC'$ and $OC$ the radius tangent to the
caustic in $C$.
The difference of a point $M$ of the wave at point $C$ is of the form
By asking
relative to a point $Q$ located on the normal to the caustic in $C$, the
difference of the steps is easy to calculate, if one supposes $Q$
neighbor of the caustic and the small opening (that is to say $M$
neighbor of 0). We find
The phase difference is
and here is the last page
I do not need to dwell on the practical applications of these
formulas. They make it possible to study completely the question of
the separating power of optical instruments for which the aberration
of sphericity exists. Lord Rayleigh had already remarked on this
subject that it is not enough to know the interferences only in the
focal plane of the central rays. As a result of the interferences, it
is not in this plane that the central light spot is the most narrow,
but in an intermediate plane between the focus of the central rays and
that of the marginal foci. It is on this level that one automatically
develops when setting the instrument.
In some series of experiments on star scintillation, the displacement
of the interference fringes at the focus is essentially observed.
Having put the star in focus, the eyepiece is pushed in slightly so
that the image looks like a circle of light. As a result of
scintillations, this circle widens or narrows. The variation in
appearance of this image gives some information on scintillation. Our
precise formulas, allowing to calculate exactly the position of the
interference fringes near the home, will make it possible to draw
precise information of these experiments.
In the vast majority of cases, it will be possible to simplify the use
of these formulas; very often it will suffice to keep only the first
term of development, sometimes two or three terms. It would only be
for very high precision experiments that complete developments should
be used.
The whole text is 54 pages, so this is just 6%, but it only took me five minutes, so I imagine this is entirely doable if there is sufficient interest.