Given a hypergraph $H=(V,E)$ we associate to it its line graph $L(H)$ given by $V(L(H)) =E$ and $$E(L(H)) = \big\{\{e_1,e_2\}: e_1\neq e_2 \in E \text{ and } e_1\cap e_2 \neq \emptyset \big\}.$$
We say that a $H=(V,E)$ is a dense linear hypergraph if
- $V \notin E$,
- $\bigcup E = V$,
- whenever $e_1\neq e_2 \in E$ then $|e_1\cap e_2| \leq 1$, and
- given $a\neq b\in V$ there is $e\in E$ with $\{a,b\}\in e$.
Question. Given a simple, undirected graph $G$, is there a dense linear hypergraph $H$ such that $G$ is isomorphic to an induced subgraph of $L(H)$?