Let $M$ be a closed real-analytic manifold of dimension $2n$. Is it possible to make sense of the moduli space of real-analytic almost complex structures on $M$ as an algebro-geometric object (probably a very non-Noetherian one)? Can this be used to gain a new perspective on, say, Fredholm-regular almost complex structures? I would not think that this would be particularly useful, but I think if this is possible it is worth doing just for the fun of it.
Maybe one terribly non-canonical way to do this is to construct it a subscheme of $\bigcup_{p\in M}\mathrm{Mat}(2n, 2n)$ (choose a basis for the fiber of tangent bundle at some point, choose a connection to produce bases in points nearby, somehow make sense of the real-analyticity condition, and then take the vanishing scheme of the "polynomial" equation $J^2=-\mathrm{Id}$ and hope that this can be made to work globally). Hopefully, somebody else thought of a better way.