I have a question about compact operators on Banach spaces.
Let $B$ be a real Banach space and $L$ a closed linear operator on $B$. We assume that $L$ generates a contraction semigroup $\{T_t\}_{t>0}$ on $B$ .
If $B$ is a Hilbert space and $L$ is self-adjoint, the following assertions are equivalent:
(1) The spectrum of $L$ is discrete (the essential spectrum $\sigma_{ess}(L)=\emptyset$).
(2) $T_t$ is compact for any $t>0$.
(3) $T_t$ is compact for some $t>0$.
(4) $R_{\lambda}:=(\lambda-L)^{-1}$ is compact for any $\lambda \in \rho(L)$.
(5) $R_{\lambda}$ is compact for some $\lambda \in \rho(L)$.
Here, $\rho(L)$ is the resolvent set of $L$.
Even if $B$ is not a Hilbert space, (2)$\Rightarrow$(4), (4)$\Leftrightarrow$(5), (5)$\Rightarrow$(1).
My question
In what follows, we further assume that $\{T_t\}_{t>0}$ is strongly continuous and $B$ is a $L^1$ space on a measure space.
Does (1)$\Rightarrow$(5) hold? or
Under what conditions, does (1)$\Rightarrow$(5) hold?
By the way, I am particularly interested in situations where $\{T_t\}_{t>0}$ is generated by a symmetric Markov process on a locally compact metric measure space $(X,\mu)$. In this case, for each $1\le p <\infty$, $\{T_t\}_{t>0}$ is extended to a strongly continuous contraction semigroup $\{T_t^p\}_{t>0}$ on $L^{p}(X,\mu)$ and it holds that $T_t^p f=T_tf$ for any $t>0$ and $f \in L^{1}(X,\mu) \cap L^{p}(X,\mu)$.