I regard to the proof of Lemma 10 in "A remark on a conjecture of Chowla" by M. R. Murty, A. Vatwani, J. Ramanujan Math. Soc., 33, No. 2, 2018, 111-123,
the authors used the average value $(\log x)^c$, $c$ constant, of the number of divisors function $\tau(d)=\sum_{d|n}1$ as an upper bound for $\tau(d)^2$, where $d \leq x$. To be specific, they claim that $$\sum_{q \leq x^{2\delta}}\tau(q)^2 \left | \sum_{\substack{m \leq x+2\\ m \equiv a \bmod q}} \mu(m)\right | \ll x (\log x)^{2c},$$
where $2 \delta <1/2$.
The questions are these:
Is the main result invalid? The upper bound should be $$\sum_{q \leq x^{2\delta}}\tau(q)^2 \left | \sum_{\substack{m \leq x+2\\ m \equiv a \bmod q}} \mu(m)\right | \ll x ^{1+2\delta}.$$ This is the best unconditional upper bound, under any known result, including Proposition 3.
It is true that the proper upper bound $\tau(d)^2 \ll x^{2\epsilon}$, $\epsilon >0$, is not required here?
Can we use this as a precedent to prove other upper bounds in mathematics?