Are there known nontrivial ($u\neq0$) stationary solutions to Navier-Stokes equations in $\mathbb R^3$ ? Not square integrable of course (that's impossible), but with self-similar amplitudes of Fourier modes such as $|\hat u(c\xi)|=c^{-2}|\hat u(\xi)|$ ?
That would be $\Delta u=B(u,u)$ with $\nabla\cdot u=0$, where $B(u,v):=\sum_{i=1}^3\partial_i(u_iv)+\nabla p$ and $p$ is such that $\nabla\cdot B(u,v)=0$.
Same question for the particular class of cylindrically symmetric solutions. In cylindrical coordinates: $(r,\theta,z)$ and $(u_r,u_\theta,u_z,p)$ not depending on $\theta$, with $\frac1r\frac\partial{\partial r}(ru_r)+\frac{\partial u_z}{\partial z}=0$ (incompressibility).
I wonder if a solution with $u(c\mathbb x)=c^{-1}u(\mathbb x)$ is possible...