Addendum I. I am raising this addendum at the top because it is more relevant to the question than what I have written before.
We denote by $R^{\times}$ the unit group of a unital ring $R$.
Claim 1. Let $R$ be a commutative and unital ring. Then the following are equivalent:
This claim was inspired by Theorem 5.1 of [5], a preprint which cannot be more on topic!
Let us define the Bass stable rank of an associative and unital ring $R$.
We call $\mathbf{r} \in R^n$ a unimodular row of $R$ if the components of $\mathbf{r}$ generate $R$. We denote by $\operatorname{Um}_n(R)$ the set of unimodular rows of size $n$.
We say that $n > 0$ lies in the stable range of $R$ if for every $(r_1, \dots, r_{n + 1}) \in \operatorname{Um}_{n + 1}(R)$, there is $r \in R$ such that $(a_1 + r_1a_{n + 1}, \dots, a_n + r_n a_{n + 1}) \in \operatorname{Um}_n(R)$. It is well-known and easily checked that the stable range has no gap, i.e., if $n$ lies in the stable range of $R$, then so does $m$ for every $m > n$. It is also well-known that $\operatorname{sr}(R/\mathcal{J}(R)) = \operatorname{sr}(R)$ where $\mathcal{J}(R)$ denotes the Jacobson radical of $R$, that is, the intersection of the maximal ideals of $R$.
The Bass stable rank $\operatorname{sr}(R)$ of $R$, or simply stable rank of $R$, is the smallest element in the stable range of $R$.
The proof of Claim $1$ is actually straighforward.
Proof of Claim $1$. Assume that $R^{\times} \rightarrow (R/I)^{\times}$ is surjective for every ideal $I$ of $R$. Let $(a_1, a_2) \in \operatorname{Um}_2(R)$. Then $a_1 + I$ is unit of $R/I$ with $I = Ra_2$. Therefore we can find $u \in R^{\times}$ such that $a_1 + I = u + I$, i.e., there is $r \in R$ verifying $a_1 + r a_2 = u$. As a result $\operatorname{sr}(R) = 1$.
Let us assume now that $\operatorname{sr}(R) = 1$. Let $I$ be an ideal of $R$ and let $a + I \in (R/I)^{\times}$. Then we can find $b \in I$ such that $(a, b) \in \operatorname{Um}_2(R)$. Because $R$ is of stable rank $1$, there is $r \in R$ such that $u \Doteq a + rb$ is a unit of $R$.
Semilocal rings, and Artinian rings in particular, are known to have stable rank $1$. More generally, so are the rings $R$ such that $R/\mathcal{J}(R)$ has Krull dimension $0$ (Justin Chen's semifields), e.g., von Neumann regular rings.
The reader should be bear in mind that $$\operatorname{sr}(R) \le \dim_{Krull}(R) + 1$$ by the Bass Stable Range Theorem and its generalisation by R. Heitmann [2].
The class of local-global rings encompass all the previous classes.
Definition. A commutative and unital ring $R$ is local-global if every (possibly multi-variate) polynomial $f$ with coefficients in $R$ whose values generate $R$ represents a unit of $R$, i.e., some value of $f$ is a unit.
The following is well-known and immediate.
Claim 2. If $R$ is local-global then $\operatorname{sr}(R) = 1$.
Proof. Given $(a, b) \in \operatorname{Um}_2(R)$, consider the polynomial $f(X) = a + bX$.
Addendum II: I just discovered that the connection between surjections on unit groups and the stable rank 1 condition has been known for a long time. This is Lemma 6.2 of "Stable range in commutative rings" (1967) by D. Estes and J. Ohm.
See also Corollaries 6.3 and 6.4 for results on the kernel of the induced group homomorphism.
(The paper is wonderfully written.)
Former answer.
I would like to contribute in outlining two natural generalisations of the original question for which the Jacobson radical also comes into play. Eventually, I would like to quote two research results for which OP’s question is essential.
Considering that $R^{\times} = GL_1(R)$, it is natural to ask
When does the surjection $R \twoheadrightarrow R/I$ induce a surjective map $GL_n(R) \rightarrow GL_n(R/I)$?.
Here $I$ is an ideal of $R$ and the second map is the reduction of matrix coefficients modulo $I$. If $I$ is an ideal contained in the Jacobson radical $\text{rad}(R)$ of $R$, then $GL_n(R) \rightarrow GL_n(R/I)$ is surjective [5, Exercise I.1.12.iv].
Considering that $R$ is an $R$-module and that every element in $R^{\times}$ generates $R$, it is natural to ask
For $M$ an $R$-module, when do $R$-generating sets of $M/IM$ lift to $R$-generating sets of $M$?.
This holds if $I \subseteq \text{rad}(R)$ and $M/IM$ is finitely generated over $R$ by Nakayama’s lemma, see also the related concept of superfluous submodule.
I introduce now a result published in 2003 which directly relates to OP's question. Let $R$ be a Dedekind domain which is universal for $GE_2$. The latter property means that in the subgroup $GE_2(R) \subseteq GL_2(R)$ generated by the transvections and the diagonal matrices, the latter generators are only subject to the « obvious » or universal relations (equivalently $K_2(2, R)$ is generated by symbols as a normal subgroup of $St_2(2, R)$ [1, 4]).
Then we have:
If $p$ is a prime element of $R$ such that the natural $R
\twoheadrightarrow R/(p)$ induces a surjective homomorphism between unit groups, then the localization $RS^{-1}$ of $R$ with $S = \{1, p, p^2, \dots\}$ is also universal for $GE_2$.
This was proved in [3] and the result was shown to be sharp in [4].
I can’t resist mentioning a humble result of mine, which I would like to believe is entertaining.
A finitely generated group $G$ of rank $n$ is said to satisfy the generalised Andrews-Curtis conjecture if every $n$-tuple of elements which normally generate $G$ can be transitioned to an $n$-tuple of generators of $G$ by means of finitely many $AC$-moves, i.e., applying transvections or replacing one component by a conjugate a finite number of times. (If $G$ is the free group on $n$ generators, this is just the Andrews-Curtis conjecture, still unsettled.) Then the result reads as:
The solvable Baumslag-Solitar group $\langle a, b \,\vert\, aba^{-1} = b^n \rangle$ with $n \ge 1$ satisfies the generalised Andrews-Curtis conjecture if and only if the natural map $R^{\times} \rightarrow (R/(n - 1)R)^{\times}$ is surjective where $R = \mathbf{Z}[1/n]$.
[1] P. M. Cohn, "On the structure of the $GL_2$ of a ring", 1966.
[2] R. Heitmann, "Generating non-Noetherian modules efficiently", 1984.
[3] E. Abe and J. Morita, "Tits systems with affine Weyl groups in Chevalley groups over Dedekind domains", 1988.
[4] H. Yu and S. Chen, "Subrings in quadratic fields which are not $GE_2$", 2003.
[5] C. Weibel, "The K-book", 2013.
[6] J. Chen, "Surjections of unit groups and semi-inverses", 2017.