Two arrangements of (affine) hyperplanes in $d$-dimensional Euclidean space are combinatorially isomorphic (or combinatorially equivalent) if they have isomorphic posets of faces.
Counting the number $A(n,d)$ of equivalence classes of arrangements, given $n$ distinct hyperplanes in (affine) $\mathbb{R}^d,$ is definitely a hard problem. Note that the number of polytopes with $n$ facets is a subproblem. I'm just wondering whether some easy small cases of this have been worked out, either recently or historically.
Some related answers to this question are out there. For instance, counts the number of arrangements of lines in the affine plane. (Edit: Peter Shor points out below that this sequence is defined differently than via combinatorial equivalence.) Some nice pictures are included at This gives a start to the question in dimension 3. The four arrangements of three lines ($A(3,2) =4$) can be extended along the third dimension to get arrangements of 3 planes in 3 dimensions, and then of course there is a fifth in which the three planes intersect at a point. These five ($A(3,3) = 5$) are pictured in many beginner algebra texts.
Drawing similar pictures, I think that $A(4,3) \ge 14.$ That is, that there are at least fourteen combinatorial equivalence classes of affine hyperplane arrangements using four planes in $\mathbb{R}^3.$ What else is known?