For natural numbers $m, r$, consider the ratio of the number of subsets of size $m$ taken from a set of size $2(m+r)$ to the number of subsets of the same size taken from a set of size $m+r$:
For $r=0$ we have the central binomial coefficients, which of course are all integers:
For $r=1$ we have the Catalan numbers, which again are integers:
However, for any fixed $r\ge 2$, while $R(m,r)$ seems to be mostly integral, it is not exclusively so. For example, with $m$ ranging from 0 to 20000, the number of times $R(m,r)$ is an integer for $r=2,3,4,5$ are 19583, 19485, 18566, and 18312 respectively.
I am seeking general criteria for $R(m,r)$ to be an integer.
Edited to add:
We can write:
$$R(m,r) = \prod_{k=1}^m{\frac{m+2r+k}{r+k}}$$
So the denominator is the product of $m$ consecutive numbers $r+1, \ldots, m+r$, while the numerator is the product of $m$ consecutive numbers $m+2r+1,\ldots,2m+2r$. So there is a gap of $r$ between the last of the numbers in the denominator and the first of the numbers in the numerator.