Let Rel be the category of sets and relations, which is a (compact closed) symmetric monoidal category under the cartesian product of sets. We write $A \nrightarrow B$ to indicate a relation from $A$ to $B$, and given a function $f : A \to B$, we write $f^+ : A \nrightarrow B$ and $f^- : B \nrightarrow A$ for the corresponding functional/anti-functional relations.
Now, any ordinary monoid $(X,m,e)$ (i.e., monoid in Set, where $m : X \times X \to X$ is the multiplication and $e : 1 \to X$ is the unit) induces a pair of a "relational monoid" $(X,m^+,e^+)$ and a "relational comonoid" $(X,m^-,e^-)$, that is, an object $X$ which is both a monoid and a comonoid in Rel. I am interested in when $(X,m^+,e^+,m^-,e^-)$ forms a bimonoid in Rel.
The condition that $(X,m^+,e^+,m^-,e^-)$ is a relational bimonoid reduces to the following conditions on the original set-theoretic monoid (writing $m(x,y)$ as $x \cdot y$):
- $x\cdot y = x'\cdot y'$ if and only if there exist $t,u,v,w$ such that $x = t\cdot u$ and $y = v\cdot w$ and $x' = t\cdot v$ and $y' = u\cdot w$.
- If $x\cdot y = e$ then $x = e$ and $y = e$.
Question: Do monoids satisfying conditions (1) and (2) have a name?