Let $\mathbb{K}$ be a field of char. 0.
Let $\mathrm{A}, \mathrm{B}$ be conilpotent cocommutative coaugmented counital dg-coalgebras over $\mathbb{K}$ (i.e. that their corresponding cokernel of their coaugmentation is a conilpotent cocommutative non-counital dg-coalgebra).
Is it always true that their tensorproduct $\mathrm{A} \otimes_{ \mathbb{K} } \mathrm{B}$ is conilpotent as a coaugmented counital dg-coalgebra?
In other words lifts the tensor product $- \otimes_{ \mathbb{K}} -$ of the category of dg-$\mathbb{K}$-vector spaces to the category of cocommutative coaugmented counital dg-coalgebras over $\mathbb{K}$?
From the very definition of conilpotency it follows that the tensorproduct $\mathrm{A} \otimes_{ \mathbb{K} } \mathrm{B}$ of two cocommutative non-counital dg-coalgebras $\mathrm{A}, \mathrm{B}$ over $\mathbb{K}$ is conilpotent as a non-counital dg-coalgebra if $\mathrm{A}$ or $ \mathrm{B}$ are conilpotent as non-counital dg-coalgebras.
But taking the cokernel of the coaugmentation only defines an oplax symmetric monoidal functor from cocommutative coaugmented counital dg-coalgebras to cocommutative non-counital dg-coalgebras.
However it follows from this that if we endow the category of cocommutative coaugmented counital dg-coalgebras with the smash-product $- \wedge_{ \mathbb{K} } -$ over $\mathbb{K}$, then $\mathrm{A} \wedge_{ \mathbb{K} } \mathrm{B}$ is conilpotent as a coaugmented counital dg-coalgebra if $\mathrm{A}$ or $ \mathrm{B}$ are conilpotent as coaugmented counital dg-coalgebras.
But I want to consider the symmetric monoidal structure on the category of cocommutative coaugmented counital dg-coalgebras given by $- \otimes_{ \mathbb{K} } -$ to describe conilpotent cocommutative bialgebras as monoids in the category of conilpotent cocommutative coaugmented counital dg-coalgebras.