For an arithmetic function $\alpha(n)$, let $S_{\alpha}(x) = \sum_{n \le x} \alpha(n)$. When $\alpha$ is the indicator function of primes, Maier has shown that $$\limsup \frac{S_{\alpha}(x+\Phi(x))-S_{\alpha}(x)}{\Phi(x)/\ln x} > 1 > \liminf \frac{S_{\alpha}(x+\Phi(x))-S_{\alpha}(x)}{\Phi(x)/\ln x}$$ when $\Phi(x)=\ln^a x, a>1$.
Consider $\alpha(n) = r(n) = \# \{ (a,b) \in \mathbb{Z}^2 : n=a^2+b^2 \}$. Gauss showed that $S_{r}(x) =\pi x+O(\sqrt{x})$, and Hardy proved that $$\limsup \frac{S_{r}(x) - \pi x}{x^{1/4}}=\infty, \, \liminf \frac{S_{r}(x) - \pi x}{x^{1/4}}=-\infty.$$
Question 1: What is the `slowest growing' $\Phi(x)$ for which it is expected that $\frac{S_{r}(x+\Phi(x))-S_{r}(x)}{\pi \Phi(x)} \sim 1$?
The main conjecture on the Gauss circle problem implies that we may take $\Phi(x)=x^{1/4+\varepsilon}$, but I am not sure what about `slower' $\Phi$-s.
Question 2: What is known about the "Maier phenomena" for $r(n)$? Namely, what is the `fastest growing' $\Phi(x)<x$ for which
$$\limsup \frac{S_{r}(x+\Phi(x))-S_{r}(x)}{\pi \Phi(x)} > 1 > \liminf \frac{S_{\alpha}(x+\Phi(x))-S_{\alpha}(x)}{\pi \Phi(x)}?$$
Another question is related to Hardy's result.
Question 3: What is know about the set $X_a$ of $x$- for which $\frac{S_r(x)-\pi x}{x^{1/4}} > a$, and the set $Y_a$ of $x$- for which $\frac{S_r(x)-\pi x}{x^{1/4}} < a$?
If we have good information about the gaps in such sets, this might help one to establish a Maier phenomena.