Consider characters of $PGL(2)$. The conductor of a local component $\pi_p$ of an automorphic representation is defined as the smallest index such that there is nontrivial fixed vector by the congruence subgroup $$K_0(p^r) = \left\{ M \in GL(2, \mathcal{O}_{F_p}) \ : \ M \equiv \left( \begin{array}{cc} \star & \star \\ & \star \end{array} \right) \mod p^r \right\}$$
In the case of a character of $GL(2)$ of the form $\chi_0 \circ \det$, where $\chi_0$ is a character on the base field $F_p$, is there a natural relation between this notion and the conductor of $\chi_0$, defined as the smallest index $r$ such that $\chi_0$ is trivial on $1 + p^r$?