I'm studying Vakil's Foundations of Algebraic Geometry, and working through the exercises in 2.4 about compatible germs as a method for constructing a sheafification of a given presheaf. Can this construction be vacuous? Can a nontrivial presheaf fail to have a nontrivial set of compatible germs? Can there fail to be a universal functor that maps a nontrivial presheaf to a nontrivial sheaf?
Note that, in this section of the book, Vakil goes back and forth between (pre)sheaves of sets and (pre)sheaves of abelian groups (including rings and $\mathscr{O}_X$-modules), so I would expect an answer to address either (pre)sheaves of abelian groups, or (pre)sheaves of sets more generally. In that sense, a trivial sheaf would be the zero sheaf, the sheaf that maps all open sets to the trivial group, or more generally, the one-point set.