Let $T_n$ be a random tree on $n$ labelled vertices chosen equiprobably among all $n^{n - 2}$ trees, and $I(T)$ be the number of distinct independent sets of a tree $T$. I'm interested in the average number $\mathrm{E}I(T_n)$ of independent sets of a random tree, at least asymyptotically.
Here are the values for a few small values of $n$ (obtained by generating all trees and counting their independent sets with dynamic programming):
$\mathrm{E}I(T_1) = 2$
$\mathrm{E}I(T_2) = 3$
$\mathrm{E}I(T_3) = 5$
$\mathrm{E}I(T_4) = \frac{33}{4} = 8.25$
$\mathrm{E}I(T_5) = \frac{341}{25} = 13.64$
$\mathrm{E}I(T_6) = \frac{4873}{216} \sim 22.56...$
$\mathrm{E}I(T_7) = \frac{89615}{2401} \sim 37.324...$
$\mathrm{E}I(T_8) = \frac{2023745}{32768} \sim 61.7598...$
$\mathrm{E}I(T_9) = \frac{54315721}{531441} \sim 102.2046...$
$\mathrm{E}I(T_{10}) = \frac{1691484561}{10000000} \sim 169.148...$
Here are a few questions I have:
The values of $\mathrm{E}I(T_n)$ seem to grow only so slightly faster than Fibonacci numbers. Naturally, we expect $\mathrm{E}I(T_n) \sim (\beta + o(1))^n$. What is the value of $\beta$? Is $\beta = \varphi = \frac{1 + \sqrt{5}}{2}$? UPD: numerically, $\beta$ seems to be around $1.657$.
I cannot help but notice that the denominator of $\mathrm{E}I(T_n)$ is $n^{n - 3}$ for $n \geq 3$, that is, in the expression $S_n / n^{n - 2}$ (where $S_n$ is the total number of independent sets over all trees with $n$ vertices) exactly a factor of $n$ is cancelled out upon reduction to smallest terms. Moreover, after the cancellation we persistently observe $S_n / n \equiv 1 \pmod n$ for $n > 3$. Is all of this a coincidence that eventually goes away, or is there something special about values of $S_n$ that explains it? UPD: both patterns seem to persist for $n$ up to $100$.