The circle division problem asks for the number of (bounded) regions obtained after choosing $n$ points in general position on a circle and then cutting along all segments connecting the points (cut along the circle too). The first few answers are $1, 2, 4, 8, 16, \mathbf{31}, \ldots$, and the general formula is $f(n) = {n \choose 4} + {n \choose 2} + 1$. The reason why the sequence starts with binary powers is that we can expand the answer as $\sum_{k = 0}^4 {n - 1 \choose k}$. We also have $f(10) = 256$ since the sum above is a half of a Pascal triangle row.
Denote $S_{n, m} = \sum_{k = 0}^m {n \choose k}$ the prefix sum of $n$-th row of the Pascal triangle. Obviously, $S_{n, 0}$, $S_{n, n}$, $S_{2n + 1, n}$, and $S_{2^t - 1, 1}$ are binary powers. Are there other non-trivial families of $S_{n, m}$ that are always binary powers? Can we characterize all such entries?