In the hope of completing the rich tapestry of complemented (or not) topological vector subspaces, I would like to know (maybe it is immediate for specialists) whether the space of analytic functions is complemented within the space of infinitely differentiable ones. I begin with the one-variable case
... and make this precise.
Let $\Omega\subset \mathbb{C}$ be an open subset. We consider
$$ H(\Omega)=C^\omega(\Omega;\mathbb{C})\subset C^\infty(\Omega;\mathbb{C}) $$ the large one being endowed with the standard topology defined by the seminorms $$ p_{\,n,B}=sup_{\ 0\leq |\alpha|\leq n\atop t\in B}|D^\alpha(f)[t]|\ . $$ where $n\in \mathbb{N}, \alpha\in \mathbb{N}^2$, $B$ is a relatively compact open subset of $\Omega$ and the bi-indexed derivative is $$ D^\alpha:=(\frac{\partial}{\partial x})^{\alpha[1]}(\frac{\partial}{\partial y})^{\alpha[2]}\ . $$ I know that the subspace $H(\Omega)=C^\omega(\Omega;\mathbb{C})$ is complete and then closed for this (standard) topology. My question is the followingQ) Is there a known closed complement of it i.e. a decomposition $$ C^\infty(\Omega;\mathbb{C})=C^\omega(\Omega;\mathbb{C})\oplus W=H(\Omega)\oplus W $$
where $W$ is closed ? (maybe the projector is an integro-differential operator ?) at least for some particular domains $\Omega$ ?
Remark i) This question is a reformulation of this one in MSE where it did not receive a complete answer.
ii) With the given topology, $C^\infty(\Omega;\mathbb{C})$ and $H(\Omega)=C^\omega(\Omega;\mathbb{C})$ are m-convex Fréchet algebras. Maybe (if possible) $W$ could have some algebraic structure (ideal ?).