Let $M$ be a comodule over the bialgebra $B$, with structure map $\rho:M \to M \otimes B$. The space of coinvariants is defined as $M^{coB}:=\{m \in M~|~\rho(m)=m\otimes 1_B\}$. A book I'm reading calls this "the space of generators" of $M$. I wonder what's the motivation of this naming. How does $M^{coB}$ "generate" $M$?
I know that if $M$ is a free comodule genetared by $X$, that is, $M=X\otimes{B}$, then $M^{coB}=X$, so $M$ is indeed generated by $M^{coB}$. Do we have a similar result for general comodules?