I am reading a paper Cellular algebras by J.J. Graham, G.I. Lehrer. I do not understand the follwing words labelled by yellow.
First, I know Robinson-Schensted correspondence of a permutation in the symetric group $\textrm{Sym}(\bf n)$.
For example, in $\textrm{Sym}(\bf 3)$, a permutation $\binom{123}{312}$ corresponds to a pair $(S,T)$ of standard tableaux. If $T$ correspond to the left cell of $\binom{123}{312}$ and $S$ to the right cell, I need to know whether $T$ is \begin{array}{cc} & 1 & 2 \\ & 3 & \end{array} and $S$ is \begin{array}{cc} & 1 & 3 \\ & 2 & \end{array}?
Thank you very much.