EDIT: the strikethroughs are in response to the followup comments that ensued.
I believe this is open. For simplicity, assume the $\phi$'s are the same function. It's a bit more standard to write $L(\phi)$ for the minimum formula size of $\phi$. The original question is whether $L(\oplus_m \circ f) \gtrapprox m L(f)$, where $\oplus_m$ denotes arity-$m$-XOR. Indeed, one could hope even for $L(\oplus_m \circ f) \gtrapprox m^2 L(f)$, since the formula complexity of $\oplus_m$ is $m^2$.
This stronger (potential) lower bound is presented as a major conjecture (Conjecture 1.10) in the following recent work of Gavinsky, Meir, Weinstein, and Wigderson: http://www.math.ias.edu/~avi/PUBLICATIONS/GavinskyMeWeWi2016.pdf The question dates back to Karchmer-Raz-Wigderson'95.
This leaves open the weaker statement $L(\oplus_m \circ f) \gtrapprox m L(f)$ -- basically, what was asked in the original question -- but my guess is that this is equally unknown.
One more remark: as noted in the paper above, the desired conjecture is true if the XOR operation is replaced by the OR operation.
EDIT: Wegener's observation (see coments) that the desired conjecture holds true for OR seems to apply equally well for XOR, as noted by Fedja. So it would seem that the answer to the poster's question is positive, even without the factor $1/2$, assuming the $\phi$'s are nonconstant.