Let $K$ be a (complete) discrete valuated field and $E$ a Galois extension of group $G$. Then one has two filtrations on $G$, the upper and the lower numbering.
Assume that $K$ is equal to its maximal tame extension (that is, forget about the $0$-th part of these filtrations) and that the residue field of $ K$ has characteristic $p>0$, then my questions are: if one fixes $G$ a $p$-group and an arbitrary filtration $G_i$ of normal subgroups (possibly with $G_i=G_{i+1}$ for some $i$) with $G_i/G_{i+1}$ abelian, is there $K$ and $E$ as before such that this is the lower numbering filtration of $E/K$? What about the upper?
Are there further restrictions that ensure such an existence?