(If anyone has a better title please change it!)
Given two finite words $v,w$ in the alphabet $\{a,b\}$, define the $v$-proportion of $w$ to be the largest number of letters in $w$ which can be covered by (not necessarily disjoint) copies of the word $v$ divided by the length of $w$. Denote this quantity by $Pr(w;v)$.
As an example, $Pr(a^7ba^7b;a^4)=7/8$, but $Pr(a^7ba^7b;a^8)=0$.
I would like to find a family of finite words $w_i$ in the alphabet $\{a,b\}$ with the following properties:
For every $n$, $\limsup_i Pr(w_i,a^n)=\alpha_n>0$ but $\limsup_n \alpha_n=0$.