Let $(C,J)$ be a category with a grothendieck topology. For every object $X \in C$ there's (I hope) a little site which is the full subcategory of the slice category $C_{/X}$ whose objects are the morphisms that appear in some $J$-covering family of $X$ and whose morphisms are commuting triangles s.t. all edges appear in some $J$-covering family of their terminal vertex. The topology on this category is the one induced from $J$ (the topology is irrelevant to the question but it might be relevant to the solution).
In other words we have a (pseudo-)functor $J_{/(-)} : C \to \mathsf{Cat}$ which sends an object to the little $J$-site over it. Suppose now that $J_{/(-)}$ is a stack for some other grothedieck topology $I$ on $C$.
Let $\mathcal{F}$ be a presheaf on $C_{/X}$ s.t. the following conditions hold:
- It is a sheaf for the $I$-topology.
- There exists an $I$-covering family $\{U_i\}$ of $X$ s.t. for every $U_i$ the pullback $\mathcal{F}_{U_i}$ is a sheaf on the big site $C_{/U_i}$ equipped with the $J$-topology.
Question: Is $\mathcal{F}$ a sheaf on $C_{/X}$ for the $J$-topology?
In informal terms: If $J$-coverings can be glued $I$-locally is $J$-locality an $I$-local property?
Example: Putting $C=Sch$, $J=Etale$ and $I=Zariski$ we get: If $\mathcal{F}$ is both a Zariski sheaf and Zariski locally an Etale sheaf is it an Etale sheaf?