I have asked the following question on M.SE here, but I have not yet received a response. I do apologize of this is not the correct site to post it on - if so, please do let me know and I will remove the question if it is off-topic.
I am reading through a research paper (Spectrum preservig linear mappings in Banach algerbas by B. Aupetit and H. du T. Mouton) in which they say the following:
If $\phi$ is a linear mapping from a Banach algebra $A$ into another one $B$ such that $\phi(1)=1$ and $\phi(x)^{-1}=\phi(x^{-1})$ for $x$ invertible, then using exponentials it is easy to prove that $\phi$ is a Jordan morphism.
How does one show the above statement true using exponentials?
My initial thought, is defining another mapping $\psi$ as some kind of "combination" of $\phi$ and the exponential, i.e. something in the line of
$$\psi(x) = \phi(\exp(x))$$ or $$\psi(x)=\exp(\phi(x))$$ or every $x \in A$.
Is this kind of reasoning correct? And, if so, can someone help guide me on the correct path? I am not looking for a complete proof of the result - only a little "nudge" in the right direction :).