Suppose we have a dynamical system and a sequence of functions $0=f_0\leq f_1\leq\cdots\leq f_k$. Define $J_{r,\lambda}$ to be the set of points $x$ such that there are $j_0<j_1<\cdots<j_r$ so that, for each $i<r$, $\sup_n A_n(f_{j_{i+1}}-f_{j_i})(x)>\lambda$. Using the maximal ergodic theorem, we see that $\mu(J_{1,\lambda})\leq ||f_k||_1/\lambda$. Is there a similar bound on $\mu(J_{r,\lambda})$ (maybe even $||f_k||_1/r\lambda$)?
Note that this doesn't seem to trivially reduce to multiple applications of the maximal ergodic theorem, because the sequences of $j$'s might overlap between different points, and one point might see $r$ jumps from $0$ to $j_r$, while another point doesn't see any jumps until some $j'>j_r$.
(We have some ideas that might show this, at least for a slightly more restrictive definition of $J_{r,\lambda}$---that there are $n_0<\cdots<n_{r-1}$ so that, for each $i<r$, $A_{n_i}(f_{j_{i+1}}-f_{j_i})(x)>\lambda$---but they're messy, and it seems like a clever use of the maximal ergodic theorem should give a slick proof, but we don't see how to do it.)