I need to use the following result (that I'm pretty sure is true):
Theorem. Let $Y$ be a compact complex manifold and $B \subset Y$ be a connected submanifold of codimension one. Then isomorphism classes of connected analytic covers of degree $n$ $$f \colon X \longrightarrow Y,$$ branched at most over $B$, correspond to group homomorphisms $$\varphi \colon \pi_1(Y - B) \longrightarrow S_n$$
with transitive image, up to conjugacy in $S_n$.
When $Y$ is a compact Riemann surface this is very classical and a proof can be found for instance in R. Miranda's book Algebraic curves and Riemann surfaces, Chapter III.
In the general case, I was told that this must be contained somewhere in Grauert and Remmert's work. I tried to find it in their celebrated paper Komplexe Räume (Math. Ann. 136, 1958), but it is written in German and it is very long and technical, so it is difficult (at least for me) to extract from there the statement that I want.
So my question is
Can someone provide a precise reference for the theorem above?