I am mystified by formulas that I find in the condensed matter literature (see Symmetry protected topological orders and the group cohomology of their symmetry group arXiv:1106.4772v6 (pdf) by Chen, Gu, Liu, and Wen). These formulas have been used in some very interesting work in condensed matter and I would like to know how to understand them.
I begin with the simplest case. Let $G$ be a finite group. One is given an element of $H^2(G,U(1))$ that is represented by an explicit $U(1)$-valued group cocycle $\nu(a,b,c)$. This is a homogeneous cocycle, $\nu(ga,gb,gc)=\nu(a,b,c)$ and obeys the standard cocycle condition $\nu(a,b,c)\nu^{-1}(a,b,d)\nu(a,c,d)\nu^{-1}(b,c,d)=1$ for $a,b,c,d\in G$.
Let $X=G\times G$ be the Cartesian product of two copies of $G$. We consider $G$ acting on $X=G\times G$ by left multiplication on each factor. The cocycle $\nu$ is then used to define a twisted action of $G$ on the complex-valued functions on $X$. For $g\in G$ and $\Phi: X\to \mathbb{C}$, the definition (eqn. 27 of the paper) is $$\hat g(\Phi)=g^*(\Phi) \Lambda(a,b;g)$$ where $g^*(\Phi)$ is the pullback of $\Phi$ by $g$ and (with $a,b\in G$ defining a point in $X=G\times G$, and $g_*$ an arbitrary element of $G$) $$\Lambda(a,b;g)=\frac{\nu(a,g^{-1}g_*,g_*)}{\nu(b,g^{-1}g_*,g_*)}.$$ It is shown in appendix F of the paper that this does given an action of $G$ on the functions on $X=G\times G$.
The authors also describe a version in one dimension more. In this case, $\nu(a,b,c,d)$ is a homogeneous cocycle representing an element of $H^3(G,U(1))$ and satisfying the usual cocycle relation and one takes $X=G\times G\times G\times G$ to be the Cartesian product of four copies of $G$. A twisted action of $G$ on the functions on $X$ is now defined by $$\hat g(\Phi)=g^*(\Phi) \Lambda(a,b,c,d;g)$$ with $$\Lambda(a,b,c,d;g)=\frac{\nu(a,b,g^{-1}g_*,g_*)\nu(b,c,g^{-1}g_*,g_*)}{\nu(d,c,g^{-1}g_*,g_*)\nu(a,d,g^{-1}g_*,g_*)}.$$ It is shown in appendix G that this does indeed give a twisted action of $G$ on the functions on $X$.
I presume there is supposed to be an analog of this in any dimension though I cannot see this stated explicitly.
Can anyone shed light on these formulas?