I am trying to calculate the three-term connection coefficients
$$ Λ_{l,m}^{d_1,d_2,d_3} = \int_{-\infty}^\infty \varphi^{(d_1)}(x) \varphi^{(d_2)}_l(x) \varphi^{(d_3)}_m(x) dx $$
for Daubechies wavelets numerically using Python. This report (p. 20) gives a nice overview of how to calculate them.
I wrote a (well documented) implementation in python and for the two-term connection coefficients had no problems but when I compare my 3-term results with the ones of Resnikoff and Wells (1998) I find lots of errors (only the $l=m$ coefficients appear to be correct).
I am starring at the code for weeks now, but I cannot find any errors. I would be very pleased if somebody would give me a hint where the error might be.