You will not find any substitution notation in Frege, altough he does have a rule of substitution in his Grundgesetze-system (namely, rule 9 of its § 48). For an early example of substition notation in logic, see Russell's paper Mathematical Logic as based on the Theory of Types (1908). For instance, on its page 238 you can read:
If p is a proposition, and a a constituent of p, let "p/a;x" denote the proposition which results from substituting x for a wherever a occurs in p.
Gödel, as cited above by Mauro Allegranza, probably takes his notation from Von Neumann, who in his remarkable paper Zur Hilbertschen Beweistheorie (1927) writes
x_p \\ b
\end{smallmatrix} \bigr)a$$
Von Neumann may in turn have taken this notation from his fellow countryman Julius König's book Neue Grundlagen der Logik, Arithmetik, und Mengenlehre (1904). König explains his substitution notation,
x \\ V
\end{smallmatrix} \bigr)F$$
on pages 92ff.
The source of König's notation may be the notation exemplified by
1&2&3&4 \\
\end{pmatrix} $$
for what are nowadays usually called permutations, but which Cauchy, who introduced this notation in a paper from 1815, called, precisely, substitutions.
Substitution notation is of course also used in the calculus. Thus, Cauchy in his Cours d'Analyse (1821) suggests
$$\int f(x)\,dx\,\bigl[\begin{smallmatrix}
x=x_0 \\ x=X
\end{smallmatrix} \bigr]$$
as one possible notation for the integral. (The now standard notation $\int_{x_0}^Xf(x)\,dx$ was introduced by Fourier.) The relevant extracts from Cauchy's texts can be found, in the original and translated, in Jacqueline Stedall's source book Mathematics Emerging.
I should note that I have learned most of the information reported here from Per Martin-Löf (the reference to König is due to Göran Sundholm).