I am an engineer working on speech signal processing and I have a problem that I have encountered while trying to model speech signals. The mathematical formulation is not entirely pure and I try to explain this verbatim wherever I find difficult to put in the form of equations or proper mathematical abstraction.
I have a random variable $R$ which takes values from an infinite dimensional Hilbert space. The exact probability distribution of $R$ is unknown, but known to be supported on an open ball. There is a large collection $S$ of size $N$, of the outcomes of the random variable $R$, but don't have access to them. All i have access to, is the inner products between each one of them. I mean I only know $\langle \phi_i,\phi_j \rangle$ $\forall i,j \in \{1,2,3...N\}$ where $\phi_i \in S$. Now I need to find a vector representation, that is a map $\alpha : S\to\mathbb{R}^d$, such that the correlation coefficient $\rho$ of the data $(\langle \phi_i,\phi_j \rangle,\langle \alpha(\phi_i),\alpha(\phi_j) \rangle)$ is maximum. I 'd like to know any algorithm to do this. Right now, the choice of $d$ can be taken as desired.