You pick $N-1$ points $X_1,\dotsc, X_{N-1}$ independently and uniformly at random in $[0,1]$. They divide the segment $[0,1]$ into $N$ segments of lengths $S_1,\dotsc, S_N$ usually referred to as spacings.
To use your description, rearrange the $X_i$ in increasing order $X_{(1)}\leq \cdots \leq X_{(N-1)}$ and then
$$ S_1= X_{(1)},\;\;S_2= X_{(2)}-X_{(1)},\dotsc , S_N=1-X_{(N-1)}. $$
The random vector $\vec{S}=(S_1,\dotsc, S_n)$ is uniformly distributed on the $(N-1)$-dimensional simplex $\newcommand{\bR}{\mathbb{R}}$
$$ \Delta_{N-1}= \bigl\{\; (s_1,\dotsc, s_N)\in \bR^N_+;\;\;\sum_{j=1}^N s_j=1\;\bigr\} $$
equipped with the normalized surface measure. The "area" $A_{N-1}$ of $\Delta_{N-1}$ is found using the recurrence
$$A_1=\sqrt{2},\;\;A_N= \sqrt{\frac{N+1}{N}}\frac{A_{N-1}}{N}. $$
This yields
$$A_N= \frac{\sqrt{N+1}}{N!}. $$
Rearrange the spacings $S_1,\dotsc,, S_n$ in increasing order
$$S_{(1)}\leq \cdots \leq S_{(N)}. $$
The random vector $(S_{(1)},\dotsc, S_{(N)})$ is uniformly distributed in the $N-1$-dimensional polyhedron
$$ P_{N-1}=\bigl\{\, (s_1,\dotsc, s_N)\in \Delta_{N_1};\;\;s_1\leq \cdots \leq s_N\;\bigr\}. $$
This is another $(N-1)$-dimensional simplex with vertices
$$v_1=(0,0,\dotsc, 0,1),\;\;v_2=\frac{1}{2}(0,\dotsc, 0,1,1),\;v_3=\frac{1}{3}(0,\dotsc, 0,1,1,1),\dotsc, $$
and total "area"
$$ \alpha_{N-1}=\frac{1}{N!} A_{N-1}. $$
The mean you are looking for is the center of mass of the simplex $P_{N-1}$, where the mass is uniformly distributed on this polyhedron.
To compute effectively the coordinates of this center of mass it may be convenient to work with new linear coordinates, $x=(x_1,\dotsc, x_N)$ determined by the basis $v_1,\dotsc, v_N$ of $\bR^N$. They are related to the standard Euclidean coordinates $(s_1,\dotsc, s_N)$ of $\bR^N$ via the equalities
$$ s_j=s_j(x) =\sum_{k=N-j+1}^N\frac{1}{k}x_k,\;\;j=1,\dotsc, N.$$
In the $x$-coordinates the simplex $P_{N-1}$ becomes the simplex
$$ D_{N-1}= \bigl\{\; (x_1,\dotsc, x_N)\in \bR^N_+;\;\;\sum_{j=1}^N x_j=1\;\bigr\} $$
Denote by $dA_x$ the normalized area form on $D_{N-1}$. The coordinates of the center of mass of $P_{N-1}$ are $(\bar{s}_1,\dotsc, \bar{s}_N)$, where
$$\bar{s}_j=\int_{D_{N-1}} s_j(x) dA_x,\;\;j=1,\dotsc, N. $$
Now observe that
$$\int_{D_{N-1}} x_j dA_x= \frac{1}{N},\;\;j=1,\dotsc, N.$$
We deduce
$$ \boxed{E[S_{(j)}]=\bar{s}_j=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{k=N-j+1}^N\frac{1}{k},\;\;j=1,\dotsc, N.} $$
Here is also a plausibility test. The above formula implies
$$\bar{s}_1+\cdots + \bar{s}_N=1. $$
This is in perfect agreement with the equality $S_{(1)}+\cdots +S_{(N)}=1$.
Remark. The problem of the distribution of spacings is rather old. For example there is Witworth formula (1897) describing the expectation of the larges spacing $S_{N}$. More precisely it states
$$ E[S_{(N)}]=\underbrace{\sum_{k=1}^{N}(-1)^{k+1} \frac{1}{k^2} \binom{N-1}{k-1}}_{=:L_N}. $$
It looks rather different from what we proved
$$ E[S_{(N)}]=\bar{s}_N=\frac{1}{N}\left(1+\frac{1}{2}+\cdots +\frac{1}{N}\right). $$
I have not thought how prove directly that
$$ L_N=\bar{s}_N, $$
but simple computer simulations show that indeed the two rather different descriptions are identical. For more details about the spacings problem see this blogpost.