The answer is no, there are many more such metric which are not induced by a Riemannian metric.
(This answer is based on the comments above, made by user89334).
1) Take any smooth norm on the space of $n \times n$ real matrices which is invariant under conjugation by the orthogonal group $O_n$. (Smooth in the sense that $\|\cdot\|:\mathbb{R}^{n^2}\setminus \{0\}\to \mathbb{R}$ is a smooth function). An example for such a norm which is not induced by an inner product is the $p-$ Schatten norm (for $p \neq 2$).
Any such norm induces a left-$GL_n$ invariant Finsler norm on $GL_n$ which is also right $O_n$-invariant. One just needs to remember that the induced distance function uniquely determines the Finsler norm (i.e a given distance can be induced by at most one Finsler norm), so distance functions obtained in this way from Finsler norms which are not Riemannian indeed cannot be induced from Riemannian metrics.
2) Let $d$ be a such an invariant metric. Take the square root $\sqrt d$. (It generates the same topology as $d$, and has the same isometries). There are two ways to see such a metric is not Riemannian:
a) It is not an intrinsic metric: Let $x,y \in GL_n$ and assume $d(x,y)=\tilde d$. Let $\al:I \to GL_n$ be a path connecting $x$ and $y$. We will show the intrinsic length $L_I(\al)=\infty$ (when taken w.r.t $\sqrt d$), hence $(\sqrt d)_I(x,y)=\infty \neq \sqrt d(x,y)$. Since any Riemannian metric is intrinsic we are done.
We can partition $\al \,$: $\, \al(t_0),\dots,\al(t_{n})$, such that $d(\al(t_i),\al(t_{i+1}))=s$ is constant. (This beacuae $d$ is continuous).
Note that $\tilde d=d(x,y)\le \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} d(\al(t_i),\al(t_{i+1}))=ns$, so $s > \frac{\tilde d}{n}$. $L_I(\al)\ge \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} \sqrt{d(\al(t_i),\al(t_{i+1})})=n\sqrt s \ge \sqrt n \cdot \tilde d$, hence $L_I(\al)=\infty$. Since $\al$ was arbitrary, this implies $(\sqrt d)_I(x,y) = \infty$ as required.
b) This proof works when $d$ is induced by a Riemannian metric $g$. Let $\al:I \to GL_n$ be a geodesic in $(GL_n,g)$, parametrized by arclength. Assume by contraidction $\sqrt d$ is induced by the Riemannian metric $\tilde g$.
Since for small enough time $\al$ is length-minimizing, $d(\al(0),\al(t))=t$. Then: $$\sqrt t =\sqrt{d(\al(0),\al(t))} \le L_{\tilde g}(\al)=\int_0^t \| \dot \al(s)\|^{\tilde g}ds $$
So, denoting $g(t) =\int_0^t \| \dot \al(s)\|^{\tilde g}ds -\sqrt t$, we get $g(t) \ge 0=g(0)$ for small enough $t$, and $g$ is differentiable on $(0,\epsilon)$, hence by Lagrang'es mean value theorem, there is asequence $t_n \to 0$ such that $\| \dot \al(t_n)\|^{\tilde g}-\frac{1}{2\sqrt{t_n}} =g'(t_n) \ge 0$, but this is a contradiction since $\| \dot \al(t_n)\|^{\tilde g} $ converges to $\| \dot \al(0)\|^{\tilde g}$ which is finite.