Suppose we are given $L_\infty$-algebras $(g,Q)$ and $(g',Q')$ and an $L_\infty$-morphism $F$ from $(g,Q)$ to $(g',Q')$. Furthermore, we have a Maurer-Cartan element $\pi$ of $(g,Q)$. One can twist $(g,Q)$ with the Maurer-Cartan element $\pi$ and obtains a new $L_\infty$-algebra that we call $(g,Q_\pi)$. Furthermore, we can construct a Maurer-Cartan element $\pi'$ of $(g',Q')$ by the formula
$\pi' = \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n!} F_n(\pi, \ldots , \pi)$,
where $F_n$ is the $\bigwedge^n g \rightarrow g'$-part of $F$. I don't know whether there is a (better) term, so I call $\pi$ and $\pi'$ associated Maurer-Cartan elements
One can twist the morphism $F$ with the Maurer-Cartan elements $\pi$ and $\pi'$ and obtain an $L_\infty$-morphism $F_\pi$ from $(g,Q_\pi)$ to $(g',Q'_{\pi'})$. The references I found are Dolgushev: A Proof of Tsygan's Formality Conjecture for an Arbitrary Smooth Manifold (section 2.4) and Yekutieli: Continuous and Twisted L_infinity Morphisms (section 3).
Given $L_\infty$-algebras $(g,Q)$ and $(g',Q')$, an $L_\infty$-morphism $F$ from $(g,Q)$ to $(g',Q')$, a Maurer-Cartan elements $\pi$ of $(g,Q)$ and a Maurer-Cartan element $\omega$, $\omega\neq \pi'$, of $(g',Q')$. Can one construct an $L_\infty$-morphisms between $(g,Q)$ twisted with the Maurer-Cartan element $\pi$ and $(g',Q')$ twisted with the Maurer-Cartan element $\omega$, where the Maurer-Cartan elements are not "associated"? I.e. can one construct an $L_\infty$-morphism between $(g,Q_\pi)$ to $(g',Q'_\omega)$?