For any finite separable extension of fields $k'/k$ and geometrically connected smooth affine $k'$-scheme $X'$, the affine finite type Weil restriction $X := {\rm{R}}_{k'/k}(X')$ over $k$ is smooth and geometrically connected since
$$X_{k_s} = {\rm{R}}_{(k' \otimes_k k_s)/k_s}(X' \otimes_{k'} (k' \otimes_k k_s)) =
\prod_{\sigma} (X' \otimes_{k',\sigma} k_s)$$
where $\sigma$ varies through the set of $k$-embeddings of $k'$ into $k_s$ (with each $X' \otimes_{k',\sigma} k_s$ geometrically connected over $k_s$, so their direct product is also geometrically connected). Here we used (i) the product decomposition of $k' \otimes_k k_s$ into a direct product of copies of $k_s$ (so ${\rm{Spec}}(k' \otimes_k k_s) = \coprod_{\sigma} {\rm{Spec}}(k_s)$, (ii) the compatibility of Weil restriction with any base change, (iii) the natural identification ${\rm{R}}_{(\coprod S'_i)/S}(\coprod X'_i) =
\prod {\rm{R}}_{S'_i/S}(X'_i)$ for any finite collection of finite locally free maps $S'_i \rightarrow S$ and affine $\coprod S'_i$-scheme $X'$ of finite type.
Now consider when $G' = X'$ is a connected semisimple $k'$-group. Note that $G'$ is geometrically connected over $k'$ since every connected $k'$-scheme of finite type with a rational point is geometrically connected. Thus, $G := {\rm{R}}_{k'/k}(G')$ is a connected semisimple $k$-group since $G_{k_s} = \prod_{\sigma} (G' \otimes_{k',\sigma} k_s)$ is clearly connected semisimple.
Suppose $k$ is a global field and $v$ is a place of $k$, so
$$G_{k_v} = {\rm{R}}_{(k' \otimes_k k_v)/k_v}(G' \otimes_{k'} (k' \otimes_k k_v)) =
\prod_{v'|v} {\rm{R}}_{k'_{v'}/k_v}(G'_{k_{v'}})$$
where $v'$ varies through the set of places of $k'$ over $v$ (as $k' \otimes_k k_v = \prod_{v'|v} k'_{v'}$). To understand if the direct factor for each $v$ is $k_v$-simple (and then whether those are absolutely $k_v$-simple or not), there is no harm in replacing $G'$ with its simply connected central cover $\widetilde{G'}$ because Weil restriction through a finite etale cover carries isogenies to isogenies (easy, and false if "etale" is relaxed to "flat").
Hence, now we may and do assume $G'$ is simply connected. Then $G' = {\rm{R}}_{E'/k'}(H')$ for a finite separable extension $E'/k'$ and a connected semisimple $E'$-group $H'$ that is simply connected and absolutely simple over $E'$ (see 6.21(ii) in the Borel-Tits paper on reductive groups, or Prop. A.5.14 in the book "Pseudo-reductive groups"), so $$G = \prod_{w'} {\rm{R}}_{E'_{w'}/k_{v}}(H'_{E'_{w'}})$$
where $w'$ varies through the places of $E'$ over $v$. Moreover, for each $w'$ the corresponding direct factor is $k_v$-simple (see the end of Prop. A.5.14 mentioned above).
To summarize, your question is when
${\rm{R}}_{E'_{w'}/k_v}(H'_{E'_{w'}})$ is absolutely $k_v$-simple (or not). The scalar extension of this $k_v$-simple group to a separable closure $k_{v,s}$ of $k_v$ is equal to the direct product of the scalar extensions of $H'$ to the factor fields of $E'_{w'} \otimes_{k_v} k_{v,s}$ (each such factor field naturally isomorphic to $k_{v,s}$), so absolute $k_v$-simplicity is precisely the condition that there is only one such factor field, which is to say that $E'_{w'} = k_v$.
In other words, the $k_v$-simple factors of $G_{k_v}$ are absolutely simple over $k_v$ if and only if $v$ is completely split in $E'$.
So these all fail to be absolutely simple (is that what you really want? Or just one to fail?) precisely when there is no place $w'$ of $E'$ over $v$ that is split over $v$ (i.e., $E_{w'} = k_v$). For example, if $k'/k$ is a nontrivial Galois extension then any $v$ not totally split in $k'$ does the job. You can now deal with the various other cases, depending on the arithmetic of $E'/k'/k$, on your own, presumably guided by whatever is the actual motivation (which was not given; it is puzzling why you are specifically interested in the case $n \le 10$, about which there doesn't seem to be anything special).