This question expands on this one from MSE.
In the literature about Dirichlet $L$-series, I found that their Euler products:
$$L(s, \chi) =\prod_p \bigg(\frac {1}{1-\frac{\chi(p)}{p^s}} \bigg)$$
are typically considered to be only converging for $\Re(s)>1$.
However, there seems to be an exception to this rule since Euler proved that:
$$L(1, \chi_4) =\prod_p \bigg(\frac {p}{p-\chi_4(p)} \bigg)=\prod_p \bigg(\frac {p}{p-\sin\left(\frac{p \,\pi}{2}\right)} \bigg)=\frac{3}{4}\cdot\frac{5}{4}\cdot\frac{7}{8}\cdot\frac{11}{12}\cdot\frac{13}{12}\dots=\beta(1)=\frac{\pi}{4}$$
does converge (albeit slowly).
I then decided to explore values for $\Re(s) \lt 1$ and numerical evidence suggests that the Euler-product:
$$\prod_p \bigg(\frac {p^s}{p^s-\sin\left(\frac{p \,\pi}{2}\right)} \bigg)$$
also (slowly) converges in the domain $\frac12 < \Re(s) \le 1$.
1) Is the Euler product for $L(s,\chi_4)$ the only one known to converge for $s=1$?
2) Does this particular Euler product indeed converge in the right half of the strip?