I am employing a large cardinal notion that has been used explicitly before, and I am wondering if someone has given it a good succinct name.
A cardinal $\kappa$ is huge if there is an elementary $j : V \to M$ with $M^{j(\kappa)} \subseteq M$. $\kappa$ is 2-huge if the same but $M^{j^2(\kappa)} \subseteq M$. There are provably intermediate notions where one just asserts for some particular cardinal $\lambda \in (j(\kappa), j^2(\kappa))$, $M^\lambda \subseteq M$. This has a characterization in terms of the existence of a normal ultrafilter concentrating $\{ x \subseteq \lambda \mathrel: \text{$\lvert x\rvert < j(\kappa)$ and $\operatorname{ot}(x \cap j(\kappa)) = \kappa$} \}$.
Did anyone name these cardinals?