I am looking for a specific paper, that I have found very difficult to trace.
C. De Concini, V. Kac - Quantum Groups at roots of 1
Specifically, the paper is cited as follows (on De Concini's webpage).
De Concini, Corrado; Kac, Victor G. Representations of quantum groups at roots of 1. Operator algebras, unitary representations, enveloping algebras, and invariant theory (Paris, 1989), 471--506, Progr. Math., 92, Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, MA, 1990.
I have seen it cited many times, which seems to suggest that there should be (digital?) copies available. Nevertheless, I have not been able to track the paper down.
It is perhaps important to note that there seems to be another possible source to find the paper.
De Concini, Corrado; Kac, Victor G. Representations of quantum groups at roots of 1. Modern quantum field theory (Bombay, 1990), 333--335, World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 1991.
However, my University does not provide access to World. Sci. Publishing books, and hence the article remains hidden behind a $58 fee.
Any help in obtaining a copy of this paper would be much appreciated.