Consider the Shimura datum $(GSp_{2g},\mathcal{H}_g)$. Let $G$ be a reductive $\mathbb{Q}$-subgroup of $Sp_{2g}$. I want to know under what condition there exists a point $x\in\mathcal{H}_g$ such that $h_x\colon\mathbb{S}\rightarrow GSp_{2g,\mathbb{R}}$ factors through $Z(GSp_{2g})G$.
There are some easy necessary conditions: $G$ shouldn't be of mixed type $D_n$, $G(\mathbb{R})$ should be non compact and $Z(G)(\mathbb{R})$ should be compact. My first question is whether these conditions are sufficient.
My second question is: can a $\mathbb{Q}$-reductive subgroup of $Sp_{2g}$ be of mixed type $D_n$?