Here's one way to prove it. Let $H_\kappa = \{x: |tc(\{x\})|<\kappa\}$. Then we have:
Theorem 1 If $\kappa$ is an uncountable cardinal, then $H_\kappa\prec_1 V$.
Proof. Let $\phi$ be $\Delta_0$ with free variables among $y,x$. Since $\Sigma_1$ formulas are upward absolute for transitive models, if $H_\kappa\vDash \exists y\phi$, then $\exists y\phi$. So suppose $\exists y\phi$ for $x\in H_\kappa$. Now let $M\prec_1 V$ with $tc(\{x\})\subseteq M$ and $|M|<\kappa$ (such an $M$ exists because $\kappa$ is uncountable and $|tc(\{x\})|<\kappa$ by definition of $H_\kappa$). By the Mostowski collapse lemma, there is an isomorphism $j:M \to M'$ for some transitive $M'$. Since $tc(\{x\})\subseteq M$, $j(x) = x$ and thus $M'\vDash \exists y\phi$. Finally, we note that because $M'$ is transitive and has cardinality less than $\kappa$, $M'\in H_\kappa$ and so $H_\kappa\vDash \exists y\phi$ (again by upward absoluteness). $\Box$
Our result then follows from the fact that $H_\kappa = V_\kappa$, for $\kappa$ inaccessible. It is furthermore optimal for inaccessibles since ``$\kappa$ is inaccessible" is $\Pi_1$. But stronger results hold for other large cardinals. For example:
Theorem 2 If $\kappa$ is supercompact (or even strong), then $V_\kappa\prec_2 V$.
Proof. See Kanamori The Higher Infinite (2003) p. 299 and p. 359. $\Box$
Theorem 3 If $\kappa$ is extendible, then $V_\kappa\prec_3 V$.
Proof. See Kanamori The Higher Infinite (2003) p. 318. $\Box$
This result is also optimal for extendibles since ``$\kappa$ is an extendible" is $\Pi_3$.