Suppose that $X$ is a locally contractible completely metrizable topological space. Is it true that $X$ can be metrized as a (complete) CAT(1) metric space?
The only result in this direction I know is Berestovsky's theorem which settles the problem in the case of simplicial complexes:
V. Berestovskii, Borsuk's problem on metrization of a polyhedron, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 268 (1983), no. 2, 273–277.
The question itself is a spin-off this MSE question.
Edit. One more relevant result:
Theorem. Let $X$ be a separable metrizable connected locally connected locally compact topological space. Then $X$ admits a complete geodesic metric, i.e. a metric such that every two points $p, q\in X$ are connected by a geodesic, i.e. a path whose length equals the distance between $p$ and $q$.
A. Tominaga and T. Tanaka, Convexification of locally connected generalized continua, J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ. Ser A 19 (1955), 301–306.
Their proof builds upon the earlier work by Moise and Bing.
Since CAT(1) spaces are required to be geodesic, this and Igor Belegradek's comment suggest that in my question it makes sense to restrict to connected locally compact locally contractible separable metrizable spaces.
See also the (inconclusive) discussion here.