Problem set up: I have a long list of variables, $v_i$ (say about 200 total). I am given a bunch of Boolean statements as follows: $$\omega_1\land \omega_2\land \omega_3\land \omega_4\land \omega_5 \land \ldots \land \omega_n$$
Each $\omega_k$ is a disjuction of mutually exclusive statements (for example:) $$\omega_1 := \left( (v_1\land v_2 \land\lnot v_3)\lor (v_1\land \lnot v_2 \land v_3) \lor (\lnot v_1\land v_2 \land v_3) \right)$$
In other words it looks like the omegas are in the opposite of conjuctive normal form. In practice they will have more variables in each set of parentheses but will remain mutually exclusive.
My question: Is there a standard SAT paradigm to consider this in? I don't know if converting these to CNF is worthwhile--I'm told it could just make the problem exteremely messy-looking. On the other hand if I want to have a hope of solving (or proving no solution) then with problems this big it would seem that a bonifide SAT solver is my best bet.
Has anyone seen anything like this style of SAT before and does it have a name or formalism?