For an arbitrary Lie group, is it always possible to chose a left-invariant Riemannian metric such that the Laplace-Beltrami operator $\Delta$ is given by
$$\Delta f = \delta^{i j} X_i X_j f$$
for some orthonormal frame $\{X_i\}$ of Lie vector fields?
Essentially, can we chose a left-invariant metric and orthonormal Lie frame such that the Christoffel symbols with respect to this frame satisfy $\delta^{ij} \Gamma_{i j}^{~~~k}=0$ for all indices $k$?
In terms of structure constants, we want a frame of Lie vector fields such that the structure constants $\alpha_{ij}^{~~~k}$ for this frame satisfy $\alpha_{ij}^{~~~j}=0$ (summation implied) for all indices $i$. Then we can define a left-invariant metric that makes this frame orthonormal via pullbacks as usual.
I know that this is possible on $\mathbb{R}^n$ and the Heisenberg group, but is it possible on any Lie group? Is some additional hypothesis on the Lie group (such as unimodularity) required for this to hold?