This is a repost from user r.e.s's unsolved Math Stack Exchange question: Do runs of every length occur in this string? That question was derived from my original question on the subject: Does this sequence have any mathematical significance? There is also a related Programming Puzzles & Code Golf question: Where are the runs in this infinite string? (CCCCCC Found!)
I am posting it here in hopes that some of you will be able to shed more light on the problem or even solve it. I apologize if does not fall into the "research question" category, but I imagine many of you may find it quite intriguing.
The Problem
Starting with the sequence $\text{001}$, consider the infinite sequence $s$ generated by repeatedly appending the last half of the current sequence to itself, using the larger half if the length is odd:
$$\begin{align} \quad &\text{001}\\ &\text{00101}\\ &\text{00101101}\\ &\text{001011011101}\\ &\cdots\\ &\text{______________________________}\\ s = \ &\text{0010110111010111011010111011110...} \end{align} $$
Does every sized run of ones occur in $s$? The first few runs are easy to find but then their indices grow astronomically as we've found in the programming contest:
$$\begin{align} &\text{run} \quad & \text{first index}\\ &\text{1} &\text{2}\\ &\text{11} &\text{4}\\ &\text{111} &\text{7}\\ &\text{1111} &\text{26}\\ &\text{11111} &\text{27308}\\ &\text{111111} &\approx 10^{519}\\ &\text{1111111} &? \ (\gt 10^{40501})\\ \end{align} $$
What can be said about the runs of ones in $s$? Why is the index growth so extraordinary? Can one prove or disprove that all runs of ones occur in $s$?
Note that user r.e.s has done much more analysis on this problem in his/her original question. The formatting above is his/hers; I've only changed $\text{abc}$ to my original $\text{001}$ starting sequence. It is r.e.s. and the other users in the programming contest that helped generate the substring indices. I've had little to do with the analysis of this sequence except as discussion starter.