Let $W\subseteq V$ be two models of $\sf ZFC$ with the same ordinals. Is the following situation consistent:
For every $x\in\Bbb R^V$ there is some $P_x\in W$ such that for some $G\subseteq P_x$ which is $W$-generic, $x\in W[G]$.
There is no $P\in W$ and $G\subseteq P$ that is $W$-generic such that $\Bbb R^{W[G]}=\Bbb R^V$.
Namely, each real is [set-]generic over $W$, but the set of reals is not.
This sort of situation of course immediately exclude the case that $V$ is a generic extension of $W$; but also things like when $V=L[r]$ is obtained by coding $W$ into a real $r$.
(We may assume that $\sf CH$ holds in $V$, otherwise we can force it without adding real numbers.)