Let $C \to \mathbf P^1$ be a hyperelliptic curve of genus $g \ge 2$ obtained as a double cover of $\mathbf P^1$ branched at $r$ points. Let $\tilde U\subset C$ be its open subset obtained by removing all ramification points and $U\subset \mathbf P^1$ its pre-image under the double cover map. What are invertible functions on $\tilde U$? In other words, I need to compute $H^0(\tilde U, \mathbf G_m)$.
Surely it is possible to pull-back any invertible function from $\mathbf P^1$, so we have at least the group $H^0(U, \mathbf G_m) = \mathbf C^\times \times \mathbf Z^{r-1}$. Are there any other? If not, how to show this?